Week beginning 25th March 2019

Firstly we would like to thank all the parents who were able to attend the Maths cafe on Thursday this week. We hope you all enjoyed working with your child and learnt some new games to help the children to continue to learn their times tables at home. 

We have also sent home some slips with ideas for online games involving times tables and included a copy of your child's login to Education City with this.

In the feedback for the Maths cafe it was mentioned that it would be useful to know the calculation methods the children use in school so parents can support at home. Below are the main methods used and more detail can be found in the calculation policy which is on the school website https://mulbartonprimary.norfolk.sch.uk/Newsite/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Calculation-policy.pdf 

In English this week we have been discussing: Have books become obsolete? The children have thoroughly enjoyed debating this question and have begun to look at balanced arguments so that they can write their own on this topic next week. 

In Maths we have continued to extend our knowledge of decimals and focused on rounding numbers to a given number of decimal places.

In Topic the children have been using PowerPoint to create choice games based on searching Alchemy Island for rubies. They were very resilient when linking slides and adding text boxes. The finished pieces were great and we enjoyed playing them in class.

The beginning of the week saw the children take part in Bikeability, they were well behaved and hopefully they are now more confident cyclists.


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