
Showing posts from March, 2019

Week beginning 25th March 2019

Firstly we would like to thank all the parents who were able to attend the Maths cafe on Thursday this week. We hope you all enjoyed working with your child and learnt some new games to help the children to continue to learn their times tables at home.  We have also sent home some slips with ideas for online games involving times tables and included a copy of your child's login to Education City  with this. In the feedback for the Maths cafe it was mentioned that it would be useful to know the calculation methods the children use in school so parents can support at home. Below are the main methods used and more detail can be found in the calculation policy which is on the school website   In English this week we have been discussing: Have books become obsolete? The children have thoroughly enjoyed debating this question and have begun to look at balanced ...

Week beginning 18th March 2019

In Maths this week we have moved on to improving our understanding of decimals. We have been looking at the place value of decimal numbers (up to and including thousandths) and have been able to represent these numbers in a variety of ways.  We have used Numicon to explore decimal and fraction equivalence and have mastered converting between the two. In English we are writing about the viewer featured in our Power of Reading text and using this to write about a historical character being sucked into the gaps in time! The Alchemists have been busy sending us messages again this week and asked for our help in making a torch to use late at night. We had a very basic set of equipment to work with and found making the connections in our circuits tricky but we reflected, collaborated and problem solved.

Week beginning 11th March 2019

In Maths we have concluded our work on fractions by consolidating our previously learnt skills and exploring fractions of amounts and solving problems related to this. In English we enjoyed finding out the ending to our short story and have begun to look at different characters' perspectives: first of all interviewing Tristan's Mum and writing this as a script. As artists we used a range of tools and techniques to create paintings of portals - watch this space! We thoroughly enjoyed creating dance routines on Tuesday afternoon - thank you for teaching us Mrs Bidder!

Week beginning 4th March 2019

This week in Maths, we have concluded our work subtracting fractions and have begun multiplying fractions by integers (whole numbers). On Thursday, we enjoyed dressing up for World Book Day. Our theme was 'Horrible Histories' from which we have a range of characters! We completed a scavenger hunt in the library and we were challenged to tell a story in one picture. Here are some of our attempts! In Topic, we have been exploring the features of Alchemy Island. We expertly sorted these into human and physical features and described the location of them using grid references. We assisted Miss Argyle in combining the materials given to us by the alchemists to create the 'Fountain of Gold' and investigated how to make magic crystals grow.