Week beginning 20th May 2019
We began the week with Sports Day - what a fantastic time we had! The children worked collaboratively and did an excellent job of supporting others. Congratulations to Birch, our winning house. On Wednesday, we had a 'Bake Off' day to celebrate earning 5000 dojos points! The children worked in groups to design a chocolate cake which they presented in the afternoon. They were also tasked with a technical challenge - cheese scones. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. Congratulations to our winners - Alfie, Jesse and Harry! In Maths, we concluded our work on decimals by exploring decimal sequences and multiplying and dividing numbers by 10, 100 and 1000. In English this week, we wrote, edited and presented our own poetry about animals. Sadly, we said goodbye to Miss Ritchie on Thursday, who has been volunteering with us for over a year. Thank you for all your hard work - you will be greatly missed!