
Showing posts from January, 2019

Week beginning 21st January 2019

In Maths, we have continued to master multiplying 2-digit numbers together. We have progressed to using a grid method to do this. We are now able to confidently tackle word problems using this method. Towards the end of the week, we moved onto dividing 4-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers, learning a new method for these calculations. In English, we have continued to focus on our class text about a boy called Bradley, the difficulties he has in school and his relationships with others. The children have been excellent at reflecting on the story and inferring things about the characters. They have begun writing diary entries in role as Bradley to help them consider his feelings and how he is changing. In Topic, we have been studying the Moon. On Monday, we conducted our own research into the Moon which we will use to create information leaflets next week. We have also looked at the phases of the Moon, using jaffa cakes to create these. This took some careful 'shaping' -...

Week beginning 14th January 2019

We have continued to learn about famous scientists this week and had fun interviewing Sir Issac Newton about his discoveries.  In English we have been creating poems about zero gravity and enjoyed performing these to others in our class. Perseverance has been required in our Maths this week as we learn to multiply two digit numbers by two digit numbers. The children have worked so hard on this and are starting to understand the new method but we will be continuing with this next week to help them get even better.

Week beginning 7th January 2019

We have been 'over the moon' to get back to learning! The children's enthusiasm for our new topic, Stargazers, has been 'out of this world'! Thank you to everyone who came to the launch of our topic on Wednesday evening. We all thoroughly enjoyed it - and learned some new dance moves too! During the first two days back, we pondered whether life exists on other planets and designed our own Martians. The children created some fantastic collages and interesting character profiles for these. This week, we began by focusing on the different planets in our Solar System. We wrote mnemonics to help us remember the order and recorded our research on the Padlet website. Here are the links to the information that we collated: During our other topic sessions, we went outside to explore the scale of the Solar System and learnt about Galileo Galilei, who ...